Many years ago some friends and I formed a spiritual research group to study the teachings of the Guides who manifest themselves from the higher planes of existence. When we asked the guides, “Who are you?” they replied, “We are consciousness”.
So we decided to call our group “Evolvenza”, which is the synthesis of the Italian phrase “evoluzione della coscienza” (evolution of consciousness).
Over time, Evolvenza became a gathering place for some mediums who not only read the teachings with us but were themselves a channel of other teachings and affective and physical phenomena. We think that there exist not only the great mediums, but also lesser mediums, who deserve equally to be listened to and loved. Moreover, as the guides tell us, we are certain that every creature is a potential medium.
Later, we began to apply the guides’ teachings to our own lives. As we did this, we worked on narrative frameworks that could answer the question, “Why is life the way it is?” We called these frameworks “active narrative” because they enabled readers to discover, through the “teaching comments”, the spiritual reason why the narrated event happened.
But we soon realized that every time we looked to identify a useful topic for our writings, we got lost in the vastness of this wisdom, which seemed to us to be a wisdom not about life but about lives. We thus thought of organizing in one electronic archive all the material we had gathered and were continuing to gather, which was also on multimedia supports like videos, audio files, and photos. In this way an archive of thousands of pages took shape, which is constantly being updated.
The guides stress that every person who participates in a spiritual research group has to assume the responsibility of making constructive use of what this experience can offer, not only to himself but also in his relations with others. And we too are sure that what we received from the guides is not given to be hidden so that no one can use it, but in order to transmit it to those who need it.

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Vitaliano Bilotta
Vitaliano Bilotta has been a teacher, journalist, and union representative within Education. From his youth his keen interest in the hypothesis of reincarnation led him to associate with great mediums who handed down important teachings that comprehend Reality in all its aspects.
He has published more than twenty books, many in e-book format, with various publishing houses, including The City Mystic and Thoughts of the Greats with SNPP.